Koha Library Management System
Koha is the world’s most installed Open Source library system.
Koha is a fully featured, scalable library management system and its development is fully supported by libraries, volunteers, and companies worldwide.More about Koha
Why do we suggest you use Koha?
- No charge to get it!
- GNU General Public License, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version
- First free and open source library system
- Support international standards
- MARC 21/Unimarc
- Unicode
- Multilingual translation group
- z39.50
- SIP2
- Bootstrap
- Developed by international community*
- Two major upgrades per year
- Minor upgrades for security or bugs fixes per month for at least 18 months
- Provide integrated library basic functions and advanced modules
- Acquisitions
- Advanced search
- Authorities
- Cataloging
- Circulation
- Course reserves
- Lists
- Patrons
- Reports
- Serials
- Tools and administration
- Easy to customize optional modules or external systems
- Oauth2
- Paypal
- Discovery systems
- DSpace
Our Services
We work together with your team and third party vendors to provide the best patron experience in your library.
- Consulting and solution design services
- Migration from existed system
- Installation and setting
- Cloud service
- Local host service
- OPAC Visual design
- Integration with other systems or web service
- Customization service
- Training for librarians and administrators
- Customer Support
- Maintenance
- Questions and answers
Related Product
All related products and applications are available for you to easily navigate